Corporate Bodies and Statute of the Association
Managing Board
The SOG managing board is the central decision-making body of the Southeast Europe Association. It is elected every two years by the general meeting of members. President of the SOG since 2020 is Manuel Sarrazin, Special Representative of the Federal Government for the Countries of the Western Balkans.
Central Office
The central office of the Southeast Europe Association is located in Munich. The team around managing director Dr. Christian Hagemann and his deputy Viktoria Voglsinger-Palm form the operational center and are your contact point for all matters regarding the SOG. We will be happy to help you if you are looking for expertise on Southeast Europe.
Academic Advisory Board
The Academic Advisory Board advises the other bodies of the SOG on academic matters. The Chair of the Advisory Board since 2018 is Dr. Jordanka Telbizova-Sack.
Members of the Academic Advisory Board
Branch Offices
Our regional branches at important university locations enable networking and organize lectures and events on current issues in Southeast Europe. The heads of our branch offices are your local SOG contacts!
Young SOG
The Young SOG is an association of young members of the South East Europe Association. It represents the interests and concerns of young members and organises its own events and activities.
Partners of the SOG
Our partners are institutions based at universities in non-German-speaking countries that have a connection to Germany and are engaged in excellent research on Southeast Europe.