Travel Grants
The Fritz and Helga Exner Foundation, which is affiliated with the SOG, supports young academics (postgraduates, at least Bachelor's degree) from Germany and Southeast Europe through scholarships for short-term research stays in the respective other region. Funding is provided for research projects primarily with a historical or contemporary-historical focus.
Two different types of scholarships exist:
A) For students from universities in Germany who wish to travel to Southeast Europe for research purposes: in this case, the travel costs (one-time round trip in an appropriate means of transportation - 2nd class/economy) can be covered.
B) For students from universities in Southeast Europe who wish to travel to Germany for research purposes: in this case, a grant of 50 euros per day for up to a maximum of 28 days can be granted.
Documents to be submitted for application
- Detailed letter of motivation, explanation and objective of the research project in German (state of research, methodology, motivation for the research trip).
- Exact details of the destination and planned period of the research trip.
- Support letter of the supervisor (professor or head of institute). In the case of young researchers from Southeast Europe, a contact person at a German university or research institute is desirable.
- Curriculum vitae with information on the previous degree, completed research projects, language skills and, if applicable, available publications.
Applications for travel grants in 2024 can be submitted on a rolling basis.
If you need further information or have any questions, please contact Viktoria Voglsinger-Palm: palm(at)sogde.org