50 Years ‚Μεταπολίτευση‘: The Restauration of Democracy in Greece
In 2024, Greece celebrates the 50th anniversary of the restauration of democracy. The Greek term ‚Μεταπολίτευση’ commemorates the collapse of the military dictatorship „Junta“ in 1974.
The evening discussion seeks to address the political consequences and policy implications of the regime change. How was the consolidation of democracy in Greece achieved? What characterized the country’s subsequent integration into the European Economic Community (EEC)? What are major achievements and recurring deficits of ‚Μεταπολίτευση’?
The panel discussion will be held in English. Questions and comments from the audience will follow the presentations.
- Prof. Christian Voss and Prof. Miltos Pechlivanos
- Moderation: Christiane Schlötzer, Journalist
- Prof. Kalliope Spanou, Guest Fellow (CeMoG)
- Prof. Nikos Demertzis, Kapodistria University Athens (TBC)
- Prof. George Pagoulatos, Greek Representative OECD (TBC)
- Georgios Pappas, Journalist, Berlin (TBC)
Am 14.11.2024, 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Lecture Hall 1.101, Hegelplatz / Dorotheenstraße 24, Humboldt University Berlin
Centre Modern Greece