Turkish-Syrian Border in The Aftermath of The Syrian Civil War: Between Necropolitics, Gender, and Ethnicity
Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 01/28/25
Gabriele Leone, Visiting Fellow CSEES, University of Lapland
Croatia After the Super Election Year 2024 – Three Time’s a Vote but More of the Same?
University of Graz Universitätsstraße 15, SZ 15.22 (RESOWI), 2nd floor, part G // Online via Zoom, at 01/21/25
EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and The Western Balkans – in Search of (Lost) European Unity
Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 01/21/25
Jovana Marović, BiEPAG, Fellow Dimension of Europe, Montenegro
The Implications of The European Green Deal for The Realm of Enlargement: Reading The Process through EU-Turkey Relations
Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 01/14/25
Seven Erdogan, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Visiting Fellow CSEES, Rize/Rizeh
Media Framing and Public Opinion on European Integration in Serbia and Montenegro
Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 01/07/25
Vortragende: Zorana Radovanović, University of Tübingen, Tübingen
Podcasting on Southeasteurope
HS. 23. 02. Mozartgasse 3, 8010 Graz, at 12/14/24
with Alastair Mackie
Post/socialist Nachträglichkeit
Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 12/10/24
Vortragende: Petar Odak, Central European University in Vienna, Fellow Dimension of Europe
Ankommen: eine persönliche Geschichte zum brennenden öffentlichen Thema „Flucht und Migration“
Literaturhaus, Elisabethstraße 30, 8010 Graz, Österreich, at 12/09/24
Vedran Džihić im Gespräch mit Florian Bieber
Population Aging in Europe: Discourse, Policy Responses and Outcomes (With Special Emphasis on Southeast Europe)
from 11/05/24 to 12/04/24
Kristijan Fidanovski, University of Oxford, Visiting Fellow CSEES
The Un Decade For Women in Art in Socialist Yugoslavia. Challenging the Autonomous Paradigm
Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 12/03/24
Vortragende: Vesna Vuković, University of Zadar, Visiting Fellow CSEES
The Road to War in The Bosnian Municipality of Kotor Varoš in 1992: A Microhistory
Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 11/26/24
Vortragende: Øyvind Hvenekilde Seim, Univerity of Vienna, Fellow Dimension of Europe
Redrawing Europe’s Map-of-Logo
Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 11/12/24
Vortragende: Neha Jain, Northwestern University, Fellow Dimension of Europe
Karl Kaser Weiterdenken
Festsaal Meerscheinschlössl, Mozartgasse 3, Graz, at 11/05/24
Ger Duijzings, Universität Regensburg
Die Geschichte Österreichs in der rumänischen Geschichtsschreibung. Konstante und Variable
SR 24.K2, Mozartgasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 10/15/24
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Gräf, Universität Klausenburg, Cluj-Napoca
Autocratic Entrenchment in Central and East European Constitutional Courts
Sr 111.41 Beethovenstrasse 8 4. OG 8010 Graz, at 10/15/24
Vortragende: Vujo Ilić, University of Belgrade
Aktuelle Forschung zu Südosteuropa
SR 111.41, 4. OG, Universität Graz, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, from 03/19/24 to 06/25/24
Video Journalism In and On Southeast Europe
HS 23. 02, Mozartgasse 3, Graz University, at 06/14/24
Protest and Autocratization in Turkey
SZ 15.22, ReSoWi, Building G, 2nd Floor, Universitätsstraße 15, Universität Graz, at 05/23/24
Sichtbar werden unter Helden. Der internationale Austausch des jugoslawischen Veteranenbundes und die NS-Überlebenden in Jugoslawien
HS 23.02, Universität Graz, Mozartgasse 3, Graz, at 04/17/24
Vortragende: Julia Kubasiak
The Balkan Route - Hope, Migration and Europeanisation in Liminal Spaces
HS 111.21, Beethovenstraße 8/II, 8010 Graz, at 04/17/24
Author: Robert Rydzewksi, Adam Mickiewicz University