

Ankommen: eine persönliche Geschichte zum brennenden öffentlichen Thema „Flucht und Migration“

Literaturhaus, Elisabethstraße 30, 8010 Graz, Österreich, at 12/09/24

Vedran Džihić im Gespräch mit Florian Bieber

Graz BranchBosnia and HerzegovinaLiterature

Partner der SOG - Film Screening and Debate

Stigmata and Memory in the Western Balkans

Faculty of Arts, Charles University, P301, Prague, Czech Republic, at 12/02/24

The Scars of Our Fathers: Intergenerational Trauma in the Western Balkan Countries

Bosnia and HerzegovinaDealing with the Past / Remembrance


Warum gehen, warum bleiben? Muslimische Auswanderung aus dem post-osmanischen Südosteuropa und die Diskussionen darüber: der Fall Bosnien

Philosophikum I, Haus E, Raum 209, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, at 11/26/24

Vortragender: Simon Trunk, Berlin

Gießen BranchBosnia and HerzegovinaOttoman Empire

Brownbag Seminar

The Road to War in The Bosnian Municipality of Kotor Varoš in 1992: A Microhistory

Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 11/26/24

Vortragende: Øyvind Hvenekilde Seim, Univerity of Vienna, Fellow Dimension of Europe

Graz BranchBosnia and HerzegovinaHistory

Virtual Book Talk

The Afterlife of Ottoman Europe: Muslims in Habsburg Bosnia Herzegovina

online, at 11/03/24

Author: Leyla Amzi-Erdogdular, Department of History at Rutgers University Newark

Leipzig BranchBosnia and HerzegovinaHabsburg EmpireHistory


Silent Witness – dreißig Jahre danach. Die Auswirkungen von Vergewaltigung als Kriegswaffe am Beispiel Bosnien und Herzegowina.

Hörsaal de Erziehungswissenschaften, Franckesche Stiftungen Haus 31, Franckeplatz 1, 06110 Halle, at 06/05/24

Vortrag von Cornelia Suhan, Gespräch mit Snezana Stankovic

Halle BranchBosnia and HerzegovinaYugoslaviaLiteratureCultural Studies / EthnologyDealing with the Past / Remembrance


The Meantime Revisited: An Anthropological Perspective from Contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina

Slavistik (3. Floor), Room: 3.04, Adam-Kuckhoff-Str. 35, Halle, at 05/29/24

Presenter: Stef Jansen, University of Sarajevo

Halle BranchBosnia and Herzegovina

Gespräch und Lesung

„Die Welt und alles, was sie enthält“

Grüner Salon, Literaturhaus Halle, at 05/08/24

Autor: Aleksandar Hemon

Halle BranchBosnia and Herzegovina


Combating Waste Colonialism: A Perspective from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Seminarraum 10 (17) (R. 2.37), Universität Halle, Emil Abderhalden-Str. 26-27, at 11/22/23

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Damir Arsenijević

Halle BranchBosnia and Herzegovina

Results & Recommendation

Bosnia and Herzegovina - “New Government, New Reform Effort?”

Results & Recommendation

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Book Presentation

Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy

Room 320 Seminargebäude, Augustusplatz Campus, University of Leipzig / Online, at 06/28/23

Leipzig BranchBosnia and HerzegovinaLiterature

Southeast Europe in Focus 1/2023

“Yours sincerely, Hans-Dietrich Genscher” – German Foreign Policy and the Disintegration of Yugoslavia 1991

Michael Martens, South-East Europe Correspondent, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


Southeast Europe in FocusCroatiaBosnia and HerzegovinaYugoslaviaForeign Policy / Diplomacy


The End of Ottoman Rule in Bosnia. Conflicting Agencies and Imperial Appropriations

P 207, Philosophicum, Jakob-Welder-Weg 18, 55128 Mainz, at 01/24/23

Prof. Dr. Hannes Grandits, Berlin

Mainz BranchBosnia and HerzegovinaOttoman Empire