
Southeast Europe in Focus 4/2024

Beyond the Accession Process: Mapping the EU’s initiatives in the Western Balkans

Adnan Ćerimagić, Senior Analyst for the Western Balkans at the Berlin based think tank European Stability Initiative (ESI), Berlin


Southeast Europe in FocusAlbaniaBosnia and HerzegovinaNorthern MacedoniaMontenegroSerbiaKosovoWestern BalkansPolitical ScienceDemocracy / Rule of Law

Podiumsdiskussion mit Livestream

Rumänien nach den Parlamentswahlen - Wohin steuert das Land nach der Ära Iohannis?

Münchner Künstlerhaus - Millerzimmer, Lenbachplatz 8, 80333 München / Online, at 12/03/24

RomaniaDemocracy / Rule of Law

Panel Discussion (hybrid)

50 Years ‚Μεταπολίτευση‘: The Restauration of Democracy in Greece

HU Berlin, Institut für Slawistik und Hungarologie, Dorotheenstrasse 65, 5. Stock, Raum 5.57 / Online, at 11/14/24

GreecePolitical ScienceHistoryDemocracy / Rule of Law

Southeast Europe in Focus 3/2024

European Elections in Southeast Europe – What are the regional trends?

Gudrun Steinacker, Oliver Kannenberg, Hubert Faustmann, Jens Bastian, Sonja Priebus, Cristian Cercel, Jan Němec, Meta Novak.


Southeast Europe in FocusCroatiaBulgariaCyprusGreeceHungaryRomaniaSlovakiaSloveniaPolitical ScienceDemocracy / Rule of Law

Award Ceremony and Discussion with Awardee

Solidarity Award for Journalists from Southeast Europe

Raum E 700, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Deutscher Bundestag, at 07/04/24

Northern MacedoniaMediaDemocracy / Rule of Law

Southeast Europe in Focus 2/2024

Croatia Moves to the (Far)-Right – The Parliamentary Election 2024

Oliver Kannenberg, Research Associate, Institute for Parliamentary Research (IParl, Berlin) / PhD Candidate, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.


Southeast Europe in FocusCroatiaPolitical ScienceDemocracy / Rule of Law

Panel Discussion

Protest and Autocratization in Turkey

SZ 15.22, ReSoWi, Building G, 2nd Floor, Universitätsstraße 15, Universität Graz, at 05/23/24

Graz BranchTurkeyDemocracy / Rule of LawTransformation

Book Launch

The Affective Dynamics of Mass Protests

Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien, SZ 15.21, Universitätsstraße 15, Building A, 2nd Floor, at 04/09/24

with the co-editors Bilgin Ayata and Cilja Harders and one of the authors, Derya Özkaya.

Graz BranchTurkeyDemocracy / Rule of Law


Heft 01/2024, 64. Jahrgang

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Südosteuropa MitteilungenSerbiaSlovakiaRomaniaEuropean / transatlantic IntegrationForeign Policy / DiplomacyDemocracy / Rule of Law